Sinful Sunday: thoughts of you..

Posted: April 7, 2013 in Uncategorized

Firstly I’d like to thank anyone who takes the time to check these Sinful Sunday posts out :):)

So here is this weeks… πŸ™‚


Sinful Sunday

  1. Mia Lee says:

    The hottness in this have reduced all higher brain functions to putty.

    *fans self*


    Mia x

  2. filledandfooled says:

    This is gorgeous, wow!

  3. Guh. Muh.

    I’ll be in my bunk…

    xx Dee

  4. Cheeky Minx says:

    The world needs more of this kind of self-portraiture. Searingly sexy, intensely masculine…

  5. Hyacinth says:

    I have nothing new to add. I continue to be highly impressed.

  6. Beautiful photo! Love the black and white πŸ™‚

    Rebel xox

  7. Wow! That’s all I can manage right now, heh. Very sexy.

  8. Ooooh and who were you thinking of? πŸ˜‰

  9. KaziG says:

    Oh golly… I think I just melted into a puddle of goo!! Breath-taking!

  10. Saint1ess says:

    That is a sexy shot! Well done! Playing with boxers on is so teasing for me because I can’t see and they always pull this cheeky smile I love so much! πŸ™‚

  11. lovely shot! how did you get the lighting like that ?

    • Not sure how camera savvy you are but it was lit from a window behind and above the height of me. the shutter speed was quite high to expose for the highlights on the edges of my body rather than the whole scene.

      Hope that helps πŸ™‚

  12. grace1ess says:

    Fantastic shot!

  13. marybeth77 says:

    Wow! Amazing photo!! I lust it!! I mean love it! πŸ˜‰

  14. Damn! That’s about all my mush brain can say right now.

  15. Very sexy black and white photo.Love the lightning!

    Maggi xxx

  16. I do not know how to articulate in writing the noise that left my throat when I saw this… Suffice it to say my lungs feels a bit empty and my mouth is watering… you appear to be, ahem, quite talented! -Morgan

  17. ugh – the typo kills me… my lungs feel (not feels) – you see – this is the state you have left me in! I rarely make grammatical errors! πŸ˜‰

  18. sexwithrose says:

    Gorgeous image, I just want to crawl on top of you!

  19. ouizzi says:

    This is beautiful!

  20. Want…

    That one word just came instantly to my head upon viewing your photo. It is the epitome of erotic to me… Lovely photo, you are so talented!

  21. Molly says:

    Your image last week had me drooling at my computer and this week…. more of the same and yet better. There is something intensely MALE about this shot that I find deeply sexy.


  22. Penny says:

    Ok it’s official, I LOVE your photography! I love the lighting in this one, your pose, the composition…not to mention you look very sexy!

  23. Just … wow. I love everything about this. Brilliant, brilliant pic. Jane xxx

  24. Oh and now I come to my Athena model.. *swoon* You know by now how I find your images incredible. The shadows, the illuminated skin, your sheer form. You’ve an entincingly touchable body. And I’m trying so hard to make the image move to the left, just a little, just so I catch a glimpse of your mouth. Yeah. Arousing. I admire your talent.

  25. Oh….my….

    …I think I need a lie down…

  26. Harper Eliot says:

    Oh sweet lord… that is so gorgeous… I want to nuzzle the hair on your body.

  27. ladypandorah says:

    Looking at this makes me nicely growly. Thank you *searches for something to pounce on*

    LadyP x

  28. Gasps out loud. Gosh that is horny, brings out the cougar in me !!!

  29. Dear GOD! I don’t think I’ll get thoughts of you out of my head for the rest of the day! Oh my! So hot!!

  30. So have you ever thought about moving to Kentucky because I am certain I could find some way to help you.. ummm. take your pics yeah that’s it.. ahem.. beautiful, sexy and I am alone dagnabbit..

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